Blogging Rebels

Free useful resources

Resources that will help you to build your own profitable blog website

Here are some free useful resources and links to guidelines to help you build your blog website. This list will grow, resources and information will be added continuously.

When starting a blog website with the basics can be found on their website:

If you are new to building websites, it is handy to come familiar with learning basic HTML and CSS. On you find everything you need to know to learn these programming languages:

Yoast SEO Academy

Getting started with your new blog website also means that you want to be found on the internet. Yoast is the best WordPress plugin to help you get found on the internet. They also have Yoast Academy where you can find free and paid for courses on how to use SEO (Search Enginge Optimization). I really recomend to start off with the free courses Yoast have to offer:

Google Analytics Academy

Also Google offers great free tools to help you get insights in your website traffic. Next to that Google offers free Analytics courses with Google Analytics Academy. All you have to do is to sign up with your Google account:

Facebook Blueprint

If you like Facebook, I also recommend to sign up with your Facebook account for Facebook Blueprint. Facebook Blueprint offers free Facebook courses that will help you how to learn to use Facebook as a professional and grow your audience. For example courses on your Facebook page or Facebook advertising and more:

Social Media

★ Facebook

★ Twitter
★ Youtube

Blogging Rebels Black LogoDutch and English community to learn how to set up a profitable blog website.

Courses will be launched soon

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